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1994 Ford Explorer XLT 5 Door 4 x 4 Neon Blue Low Mileage in Arcola, Pennsylvania For Sale

1994 Ford Explorer XLT 5 Door 4 x 4 Neon Blue Low Mileage
Price: $4,300
Date/Time:18 Jan, 08:24 a.m. EST
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

Up for sale is a xxxx Ford Explorer 5 door 4 x 4 X LT. Vehicle has low mileage new brakes, rotors, wipers tires. Running boards drivers and pasenger side. Weather guards on all windows, bug guard on front of suv. Interior all leather and electric seats, windows and mirrors. V6 that is absoutly sound. The suv has had only two owners. Please email or phone with any questions.

State: Pennsylvania  City: Arcola  Zip code: 19426 Category: Cars
Cars in Pennsylvania for sale

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