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Affectionate copper eyed white and silver tabby male persian kittens in Arcola, Pennsylvania For Sale

Affectionate copper eyed white and silver tabby male persian kittens
Date/Time:18 Jan, 10:54 p.m. EST
Type: Pets, For Sale - Private.

Beautiful, affectionate home raised silver tabby and copper eyed white male persian kittens available for. Both kittens have grown up as part of my family with my child so they come kid tested : ) Both would do wonderfully with children of any age. The white boy is a sweet kitten who loves to sleep with me and plays with anything that moves- usually my toes when I am in a deep sleep. The silver tabby boy is my talker. He loves to be held and will make knead his paws in the air and purr. Sold with all shots and already neutered. Please email for more information. Please include some information about your family.

State: Pennsylvania  City: Arcola  Zip code: 19426 Category: Pets
Pets in Pennsylvania for sale

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